Pulp & Paper

Pulp & Paper

The existing statistics for the pulp and paper sector are promising, every day the trend increases to manufacture the majority of the papers from recycled fibers in an environmental commitment and that is why, during their manufacture, it is essential to provide properties and features that are suitable and very useful for its final use. Whether it’s kraft paper, medium, and liner, writing paper, tissue paper, or other. This is where the work of RC+QUÍMICOS comes in.

RC+Q is widely recognized as a provider of chemical treatments for the pulp and paper industry, mainly focused on optimizing and reducing costs, increasing retention and drainage, and improving quality in water circuits. As well as increasing wet and dry strength, optimization in the use of native and cationic starch, the best sizing performance, the possibility of using native surface starch, the mitigation of stickies, the good control of foam and trapped air in complex systems, the appropriate microbiological control looking for the perfect balance between the ideal asset and cost, among other specialties.

Sole Supplier

RC+Q “SOLE SUPPLIER” is a collaborative partnership program between the paper mill and RC+Q designed to address all your concerns and chemical treatments tailored to each need. We supply everything your factory needs: products, dosing equipment, application know-how and intelligent process management, dosing monitoring diagnosis and dose optimization using KPI, quality analysis, 24-hour specialized technical service. We have proven that this program improves operational efficiency and competitive advantage as well as reducing costs.

The following are generic names of our product line and the selection of the product, in particular, is done through field studies depending on each specific case since all machines and factories are different.

Kraft Paper

Sizing Agents base AKD RC+SIZE
Sizing Agents base ASA RC+ASA
Retention & Drainage Agents RC+FLOC, RC+ACCOM
Anionic Trash Sweepers RC+SP, RC+CAT
Drainage Agents, Dry Strength Agents RC+STARRER, RC+ PRECALITI, RC+SILICA GEL
Wet Strength Agents RC+WS, RC+AEER, RC+ACEN, RC+RSW
Native Starch Fixers RC+FIXER
Native Starch Cationizing Agents RC+FIXER C
Felt Conditioner RC+SCL
Alkaline Detergents, Acid Cleaners RC+CLEAN, SURFIND
Refining Enzymes RC+ZYMOS R
Superficial Starch Enzymes RC+ZYMOS S
Enzyme Inhibitors RECITROL
Non-Oxidizing Microbicides RC+CONTROL
Oxidizing Microbicides BROMIX, RECIBROM, RECICLOR
Non Stickies Program, Pitch & Wax Control RC+STICK FREE, RC+NOSTICK
Defoamers RC+CE, RC+AD
Dispersants RECISPERSE
Bleaching Agents RC+BLEACH

Tissue Paper

Bleaching Agents RC+BLEACH
Release Agents RC+RESCUE
Dispersants RECISPERSE
Wet Strength Agents RC+WS, RC+AEER, RC+ACEN
Refining Enzymes RC+ZYMOS R
Non-Oxidizing Microbicides RC+CONTROL
Oxidizing Microbicides BROMIX, RECIBROM, RECICLOR
Non-Stickies Program, Pitch & Wax Control RC+STICK FREE, RC+NOSTICK
Cationizing Agents RC+SP, RC+CAT
Defoamers RC+CE, RC+AD
Oxidizing Agents for Repulping RC+CONTROL
Dry Strength Resins RC+STARRER
Softeners RC+SOFT
Wet Strength Resin Fixer RC+FIXER H
Wet Strength Pulping Agents RC+PULP
Deinking Polymers RC+DINK
Wire & Felts Cleaners RC+CLEAN
Wire & Felts Chemical Barrier RC+STACK FILM

Writing & News Paper

Native Starch Fixers RC+FIXER
Native Starch Cationizing Agents RC+FIXER C
Superficial Starch Enzymes RC+ZYMOS S
Enzyme Inhibitors RECITROL
Felt Conditioner RC+SCL
Alkaline Detergents, Acid Cleaners RC+CLEAN, SURFIND
Refining Enzymes RC+ZYMOS R
Non-Oxidizing Microbicides RC+CONTROL
Oxidizing Microbicides BROMIX, RECIBROM, RECICLOR
Non-Stickies Program, Pitch & Wax Control RC+STICK FREE, RC+NOSTICK
Drainage Agents, Dry Strength Agents RC+STARRER, RC+ PRECALITI, RC+SILICA GEL
Anionic Trash Sweepers RC+SP, RC+CAT
Retention & Drainage Agents RC+FLOC, RC+ACCOM
Sizing Agents base AKD RC+SIZE
Sizing Agents base ASA RC+ASA
Defoamers RC+CE, RC+AD
Dispersants RECISPERSE

More than creating products, we deliver solutions that promote improvements in everyday of people